Glucose syrup processing project reference for investment:
Usually, 10ton per day glucose syrup processing project investment about $550,000, according to the glucose syrup maketing, after 10-12 months can recovery all costs. That's to say, only need one year, the glucose syrup processing plant can begin to make profit.

3D photo of Doing glucose syrup production project
Glucose syrup production technology process:
Mixing starch with water, liquefaction, deproteinization, saccharification, decoloring, decarburization, ion exchange to get more pure syrup, syrup evaporation, then get final glucose syrup.
Glucose syrup production process
Doing company glucose syrup processing project introduction:
At present, the glucose syrup market fast developing, processing technology and quality requests has been more and more higher, and the demand of industrial enterprises for the reliability, advancement and quality level of glucose syrup production technology is also increasing day by day. Whatever, Doing company can meet all these requests.
First, Doing factory has been master the technology of glucose syrup production completely. At the same time, our company focus on developing all these technological equipments into advanced automatic control processing system, and control them in one equipment. During the business dealings with customers, our company strictly insist the principle of integrity and fairness. Our factory outlet glucose syrup production projects all designed and construction by specification technique and client's requests. Just for this, our company can be a good partner and help glucose syrup processing plant sustainable development.