About the preparation of glucose syrup from starch, you need to prepare whole set of glucose syrup equipment, raw material(starch), and have to know the preparation way of starch glucose syrup production. Doing Company complete set of glucose syrup from starch equipment is an ideal choice, good reputation from our clients home and abroad. To the preparation way, now, the most widely used and newest is double enzyme way, that is glucoamylase and α-enzyme.

Double enzyme for glucose preparation
The main Doing Company equipment used for preparation of glucose syrup from starch is mixing tank, underflow pump, jet cooker, high temperature maintenance tank, flash tank, centrifugal pump, saccharifying tank, bleaching tank, plate and frame filter press. The production process is: starch mixing with water(first time add enzyme), liquefacation process, high temperature maintenance, flash cooling(second time add α-enzyme), saccharificance process(used glucoamylase), enzyme deactivation process, bleaching process, filter and evaporation.

Main glucose syrup production equipments
Glucose syrup production equipments function introduction:
1. Mixing tank: mixing the starch with water to get starch milk.
2. Liquefaction tank and jet cooker used in preparation of glucose syrup from starch to transfer the starch into glucose slurry.
3. Filter press machine: remove glucose slurry protein. Also used in decolorization process to get clean and colorless glucose syrup for preparation of glucose syrup from starch.
3. Saccharifying tank: after the press filter non protein, glucose pumping into saccharifying tank, maintain at specific temperature, then put in glucoamylase, after a couple of hours glucose enzyme will transfer syrup to glucose syrup.
4. Ion exchange column: this process aims to remove the impurities and different ions to ensure the purity of syrup, then will get very pure glucose syrup for people eating.
5. Syrup evaporator: Suggest you use the multiple-effect evaporator for preparation of glucose syrup from starch.
6. Glucose syrup storage tank: a professional storage tank can keep the glucose syrup quality, and easily for the further package and shippment.
Glucose syrup production process
Next is the further introduction of Doing Company preparation of glucose syrup from starch:
For the first, we all know the liquefaction and saccharification process is the basic of glucose syrup production process, high influenced for the final glucose syrup quality. In the preparation of glucose syrup from starch, hydrolysis of starch is finished by liquefaction and saccharification. In liquefaction process, starch granule firstly absorb water and swell during heating procedure, volume increases rapidly and crystal structure is broken. Then starch milk becomes kind of trick liquid, which is known as gelatinization. Gelatinization is first part of liquefaction. After gelatinization, starch granule structure is broken and is exposed to enzyme directly. Molecular chain of starch granule is disconnected quickly and becomes dextrin. This is the whole process of liquefaction. For preparation of glucose syrup from starch, saccharification process used to make dextrin into glucose. It is finished by effect of saccharifying enzyme. Enzyme reaction speed and process can be controlled by adjusting enzyme amount and reaction time. Required starch syrup could be obtained through the enzyme controlling process.
Glucose syrup preparation plant install for customer
Secondly, Doing Company is a professional glucose syrup making equipments manufacturer, we own the advanced technology of preparation of glucose syrup from starch, adopt double-enzyme method. To make preparation of glucose syrup from starch, you need to prepare whole set of glucose syrup equipment, raw materials, usually starch, and have to know the technology data. So if you want to start a glucose syrup preparation business, Doing Company offer the complete set of glucose syrup equipment and technology process data.
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Main features of Doing Company preparation of glucose syrup from starch:
1. Adopt composite glycosdase, effectively reduce the polysaccharide content in glucose syrup, more healthy.
2. Second time add enzymes, make syrup quality better, increase enzyme cost about 30%.
3. Advanced and high quality jet cooker, improve the efficiency and quality of liquefication and saccharification process.