How is high fructose corn syrup made?

2018-04-16 / FAQ
About the question how is high fructose corn syrup made, firstly, you should know the modern method is use the special starch enzymes to made process, requests two type enzymes to made glucose then add special isomerism enzyme to change the glucose into fructose to complete the high fructose corn syrup made. That's to say the high fructose corn syrup made demand enzymes is more than one enzymes than glucose and fructose syrup made. Second, about how is high fructose corn syrup made, to reach high efficiency large scale production, you need complete set high fructose corn syrup made dedicated equipments. You can understand that the high fructose corn syrup is a mixture of glucose and fructose, its raw material is corn.

how is high fructose corn syrup made
How is high fructose corn syrup made

One the other side, in the industrial high fructose corn syrup production, to get more sweetness high fructose corn syrup, usually filter the glucose, then make isomerism process repeatedly to change more glucose into fructose, impove the fructose percentage. High fructose corn syrup can substitute sugar to used in food and beverage industry, the cost is lower than sugar, but flavor and taste is better, with more advantages. How is high fructose corn syrup made, its generally technical process is: mixing and liquidation - saccharify - liquid syrup decolorizing - filtration - ion exchange - isomerism system - syrup refined - standard high fructose corn syrup.

how is high fructose corn syrup made
Technical process of how is high fructose corn syrup made

Next is the details process introduction of how is high fructose corn syrup made:

1. Mixing and liquefying process: mixing the corn flour / starch with water, adjust the PH value to 5.0-6.0, suitable for following  starch hydrolysis, after mixing add liquifying enzyme, use ejector to complete the liquefaction process. Then we can get a suitable liquid can be prepared for saccharification.

2. Saccharify: this is the second process which requests enzymes add, use saccharifying enzymes, adjust the corn starch liquid temperature to 58-60 degree, after it reach the request DE value can put into next process. Saccharify process performance decided the high fructose corn syrup made effect and products quality. This is an important and basic step of how is high fructose corn syrup made. After this process, we can get glucose liquid.

how is high fructose corn syrup made
Saccharification tank for high fructose corn syrup made

3. Liquid glucose decolorizing: uses second time decolorizing process to get bright syrup. This production process generally complete by plate and frame filter press. The plate and frame filter press equipped with special filter cloth, good performance and high speed for syrup decoloring, by the way, if you don't request the final high fructose corn syrup is colorless, just skip this step.

4. Filtration: this process adopt drum filter to remove soluble protein, decrease the protein content in glucose liquid. The purpose is to get clear products.

5. Ion exchange system: adjust the temperature and PH value, remove irons, salt and ash, according to the ion exchange column, we can get pure high fructose corn syrup. How is high fructose corn syrup made, this ion exchange system is an essential step. And the ion exchange resin can be regeneration by simple handleness.

how is high fructose corn syrup made
Ion exchange system

6. Syrup liquid concentration: under vacuum condation to make heating and evaporation, make the syrup concentration meet the standards, after the temperature reduce, can pump into next manufacturing process to change the glucose into fructose.

7. Isomerism process: this process function is change the glucose into fructose. More changed percentage, more sweetness. This is another step which also requests add enzymes, the isomerase we are using is a kind of immobilized enzyme, this enzymes used in food processing makes food free of enzyme after production, no need to adopt the way of heat treatment to make enzyme inactivated, which can help to improve the quality of food as well as economic benefits. All of your questions or requests about how is high fructose corn syrup made, Doing Company can meet for you.

how is high fructose corn syrup made
High fructose corn syrup made process industry

8. High fructose corn syrup made refining process: the isomerized raw syrup was prepared by the secondary decoloration and the secondary concentration process. After adjusting the temperature, it was pumped into the special tank for storage, which was the finished product standard F42 high fructose corn syrup.

Above all, this is Doing Company method and technical process answer for how is high fructose corn syrup made, the main equipments is: high temperature ejector, ion exchange column, tanks, evaporator, filter press. Doing Company main research area: high fructose corn syrup production, glucose and maltose syrup production.

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