How to produce high fructose corn syrup ?

2018-05-03 / FAQ
What is high fructose corn syrup ?                                                                              
Before answer the question how to produce high fructose corn syrup, let's learn about the high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup also known as confectioner's glucose, is a syrup made from the hydrolysis of starch. Glucose also is called starch sugar. Maize (corn) is commonly used as the source of the starch to produce glucose, then adopt isomerism process change glucose into fructose, in which case the syrup is called "corn syrup", but glucose syrup is also can be produced from cassava, potato , wheat , rice and other starch source material.

How to produce high fructose corn syrup
Pure white high fructose corn syrup

How to produce high fructose corn syrup ?                                                                         
As we all known , the high fructose corn syrup is made from the starch (mainly is the corn starch ). But now we have the new technology can produce the glucose syrup from corn directly, do not need produce the starch from corn first. When make the corn starch from corn, there has big pollution problem, the customer need invest big amount money to buy one complete set water treatment equipment beside the corn starch production line. Even making starch from other raw material, it also need the water treatment equipment, otherwise the starch plant project will not permitted by the government. Under this condition , our factory has research and developed the new technology, which produce the glucose syrup from corn or broken rice directly without pollution. It also can reduce the production cost than producing glucose from starch, the investor will have greater profit margins .

Process Description of how to produce high fructose corn syrup:
How to produce high fructose corn syrup
Syrup making process

- Corn powder or rice powder making section:
Use the complete set powder produciton line, we can make the corn powder/rice powder from corn/ broken rice.The corn powder/ rice pwoder is used to produce the glucose syrup by corn syrup machine.

- Mixing slurry:
Put the corn powder/rice powder and water into the mixing tank, then put in enzyme, keep on particular standard temperature, waiting for some time , then transport to next work section.

- Injector liquefaction:
The mixed corn powder/ rice pwoder milk is sent to buffer tank then liquefied by jet cooker with the aid of enzyme at high temperature in regular time .

How to produce high fructose corn syrup
Doing Company high fructose corn syrup production equipments plant
- Filter press deproteinization:
Because of inside of the corn/ rice slurry have too much protein, so the slurry need pumping into the press filter, after press the slurry, the syrup will flow into the slot, the protein will stay inside the filter machine. So this section aimed to remove the protein in the answer for how to produce high fructose corn syrup.

- Saccharification:
The liquefied material is sent to enzyme saccharification tank for reaction.Maintain at specific temperature for some time , the syrup will transfer to glucose syrup with the required DE value. This saccharification section performance directly influenced the flavor of the final syrup products in the answer for how to produce high fructose corn syrup.
- Decolorization:
After LAB testing, all the glucose syrup pumping into the decoloration tanks, at uniform temperature,  put in the activated carbon mixing with the glucose syrup, usually have to make twice to get pure glucose syrup.

- Filter press decarburization:
The glucose syrup with activated carbon will be pumped into the press filter, after press the clean glucose syrup will flow into the buffer tank, the activated carbon will stay inside the filter.

How to produce high fructose corn syrup
High fructose corn syrup production equipments

- Ion exchange:
The clean glucose syrup pumping into the ion exchange columns, inside the column resin will attract all the cation and anion and other small electron, then will get very pure glucose syrup for people eating.  This equipment always is used for high quality product. Ion exchange system is one of the important section in the answer for how to produce high fructose corn syrup, after this process section, we can get high purity glucose syrup.

- Isomerism:
This isomerism means that the glucose converts into fructose with fructose content of 42% by the effect of isomerase. The isomerase we are using is a kind of immobilized enzyme, this enzymes used in food processing makes food free of enzyme after production, no need to adopt the way of heat treatment to make enzyme inactivated, which can help to improve the quality of food as well as economic benefits. All of your questions or requests about how is high fructose corn syrup made, Doing Company can meet for you.

How to produce high fructose corn syrup
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- Evaporation:
The pure and clean glucose syrup have very low density, the triple effect evaporator can evaporate frucotse inside water to outside increase density at very short time. Then pump the glucose  syrup into the single-concentrate of evaporator continue evaporate water  for concentrating to reach the required DS as final product.

One the other side, in the industrial high fructose corn syrup production, to get more sweetness high fructose corn syrup, usually filter the glucose, then make isomerism process repeatedly to change more glucose into fructose, impove the fructose percentage. High fructose corn syrup can substitute sugar to used in food and beverage industry, the cost is lower than sugar, but flavor and taste is better, with more advantages. Doing Company supplied one set syrup production equipments suitable for three type syrup preparation, that is glucose, fructose and maltose. You can adjust your syrup preparation type as the market demand change to get higher ecnomic benefit. Then about the question how to produce high fructose corn syrup, more details you can contact us and discuss with our engineer.

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