What is the development prospect of starch syrup production industry?

2018-03-14 / FAQ
Starch syrup mainly used in candy production, drink, soft drink, vegetable cream, fermentation, tincture, cookies and pastries, medicine, health product and wine making industry, etc. As a new type sweetening agent, starch syrup more and more wildely used in food industry, it improves food quality, also more healthy for people. Nowadays, the shift towards healthier food and the pursuit of health has become popular, for this, starch syrup used more widely in food industry, starch syrup production scale, starch syrup production capacity has been developed rapidly.

starch syrup production industry
Starch syrup production industry

The demand for the world's market for starch products has grown exponentially every year, this seven years, starch syrup demands just in China has been increased from 60 million tons in 2010 to 420 million tons in 2017, it has increased sixfold, with an average annual growth rate of nearly 40%. Now, China's current supply and demand gap for sugar is about 1.3 million tons, to cover this gap, first is import, second is saccharin replace, third is starch syrup supplement. Suger import is unprofitable, lots of saccharin is non-healthy, starch syrup will be a main supplement for sugar replace. For another, with the application of enzyme technology, the development of market demand is more favorable to the development of starch syrup production industry.

starch syrup production industry
Syrup equipment of starch syrup production industry

World starch syrup production and demand situation:

In recent years, Cargill, ADM, CPI, etc., these famous large scale corn deep processing industry has come to our side, also more large production company start starch syrup production and sale, but starch syrup is still in short supply. On the other hand, international sugar inventory has declined, the rise in international oil prices has led countries like Brazil to increase the amount of sugar cane used to produce fuel alcohol. The development of the starch syrup production industry is facing a large opportunities, and it is expected that the starch syrup production industry will flourish in the next 10 years.

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