Evaporator during glucose syrup processing plant/ maltose syrup processing plant/ fructose syrup processing plant from corn powder/ broken rice raw grains:

Corn glucose syrup processing plant
Multiple-effect film-falling evaporator concentrates the solution by means of vaporizing the thin solution through film-falling principle. It introduces continuous production and it features in high concentration ratio, large viscosity scope, good heat-transferring effect, large processing capacity, etc. In this case, it can be introduced on vaporizing materials which are of high heat sensibilit, high concentration, high viscosity, and corrosive characteristics. This equipment is of higher heat-transferring ratio, so the heat difference requested is small. It can be combined into double, triple, quadruple, or quintuple, or quintuple-effect evaporating system on the basis of different materials characteristics and evaporating results.
In addition, it can be used as waste-heat evaporator with the resources of waste steam from bundle dryer, disc dryer or other heat resources with low thermal value such as condensate steam. In this way, raw steam consumption can be greatly reduced for energy saving. It is economically beneficial when waster steam can be completely used and raw steam is saved.

Evaporator during glucose processing plant
Product characteristics of evaporator during glucose syrup processing plant:
1) Implementations of automation systems, computer 2D/3D modeling and advanced CAD/CAM technology.
2) Turn-key plants for the production of wheat starch, corn starch, potato starch and starch derivatives such as glucose, fructose, crystallized glucose, sorbitol, etc.
3) Professional engineers with ample on-the-job training experience.
4) A team working at site for the guidance of installing, commission works.
5) Low water and low energy consumption design to save your money.
6) Equipments are made of stainless steel, one year warranty, life-long maintenance.