Liquefaction and saccharification process in starch syrup making plant

2018-03-10 / Processing

Starch syrup is an alternative to saccharose. With the cost of saccharose increasing, starch syrup making is commonly used in food processing industry. During the process of starch syrup making, liquefaction and saccharification process is the first and important part.

starch syrup making technical process
Starch syrup making technical process

liquefaction process in starchsyrup making
Liquefaction tank

In the process of starch syrup making, hydrolysis of starch is finished by liquefaction and saccharification. In liquefaction process, starch granule firstly absorb water and swell during heating procedure, volume increases rapidly and crystal structure is broken. Then starch milk becomes kind of trick liquid, which is known as gelatinization. Gelatinization is first part of liquefaction. After gelatinization, starch granule structure is broken and is exposed to enzyme directly. Molecular chain of starch granule is disconnected quickly and becomes dextrin. This is the whole process of liquefaction.

saccharification process in starch syrup making
Saccharification tank

In starch syrup making plant, saccharification process is to make dextrin into glucose. It is finished by effect of saccharifying enzyme. Enzyme reaction speed and process can be controlled by adjusting enzyme amount and reaction time. Required starch syrup could be obtained through the enzyme controlling process.


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