May in 2017, reported by the Philippines national medium, Philippine anti-sugar smuggling organization(SASO) made a complaint to Coca-Cola company in Philippines about the company smuggled high-fructose corn syrup to Philippines. SASO think Coca-Cola company's this pratice violated The Third Order of the Sugar Industry Administration. This stipulated the imports of high-fructose corn syrup would to be customs liquidation by the Sugar Board.

Corn syrup equipments and technology
Coca-Cola company in the Philippines is the engaged in bottling and distribution of Coca-Cola soft drinks, as one of the top ten Coca-Cola bottling plants, also one of 100 strong enterprises in Philippines. Whatever, we can know that the Philippines sugar industry under attack from kinds of directions. On the other hand, With the acceleration of Asean integration, the import tariff on sugar in the Philippines fall from 38% in 2012 to 5% in 2015, This also is a huge impact to Philippine sugar industry. Now fine new groth method to protect Philippine own market is the most important thing.

Corn syrup subsite sugar performance good
Corn syrup substitute sugar can be applied in large amounts of industries, especially in food and beverage production, its taste good, perfect suitable for beverage production, so more and more Philippinese turn their eye on corn syrup production and corn syrup plant construction. The government also made policies to support the industry. Doing Company as a professional corn syrup equipments manufacture and supplier, has been start a cooperation with Philippines clients, also constructed many corn syrup plant in many other countries and area. Its worth to say that our company corn syrup equipment can produce high-fructose corn syrup, which is more suitable for Philippines market, and one set corn syrup equipment can produce three type syrup, include glucose syrup, maltose syrup, fructose syrup.