China's starch syrup production is second only to America

2018-04-02 / Industry news
China's starch syrup production is second only to America, and the market gradully expand. Use the raw grain like corn,rice,potato,cassava and others which is starch content as materials, adopt acid or enzyme method to make syrup, its commonly named starch syrup, include maltose syrup, glucose syrup, fructose syrup. Starch syrup production in China with long history.

starch syrup production
Starch syrup production equipments by Doing Company
China's sugar production and cost, for a long time, still on surcose. In recent years, especially from 2017, the goverment strongly support and expand starch syrup industry. now, with the technology develop, yield and quality's increase, and the production cost decrease, starch syrup market expand gradually, has been a main supplement of sugar. It's worth to say that starch syrup production in China already large scale operation, has been forming agglomeration effect, Doing Company is one of the starch syrupp equuipment manufacturer and supplier to these industries. Starch syrup application also quite wide with large cost in varities of industry production, its the main product of  starch deep processing, usually used in food, medicine,paper making industry and many others.

starch syrup production
Starch syrup production process
With starch deeping processing and food industry develop, enzyme technology advance, China's starch syrup production accessed great achievements. The total capacity increased a lot, type of starch syrup more richful. In 2005, Chiina's starch syrup production capacity is 420 million tons, 2006 is 560 million tons. Now, China's starch syrup production industry only second to America, Doing Company starch syrup production equipment also get a better development.

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