How is high fructose corn syrup made ?

2018-07-13 / FAQ
High fructose corn syrup is made from the corn deep processing, high fructose corn syrup made process is the corn starch reaction by enzyme hydrolysis process. Because of the high fructose corn syrup is converted from glucose, so about the question how is high fructose corn syrup made, firstly we need to made glucose from starch, and the enzyme aid to made glucose is α-enzyme and glycosylase. Then use the isomerism enzyme to change the glucose into fructose.

high fructose corn syrup production plant
High fructose corn syrup production plant design

Below is the complete process of how is high fructose corn syrup made:
high fructose corn syrup production process
High fructose corn syrup production process

Use corn starch as material to made high fructose corn syrup as an example:
Corn starch is converted into ordinary corn syrup through a process called enzyme hydrolysis. In this process, the wet starch is mixed with a weak solution of α-enzyme and is heated under pressure. The α-enzyme and heat break down the starch molecules and convert them into a starch milk(starch milk means a transparent and sticky liquid, although it stop stirring, the starch will not be precipitated). This is the first process step of how is high fructose corn syrup made.

glucose syrup production method
Enzyme used for starch reaction to made glucose

Next saccharified the starch milk by the saccharification tank and glycosylase, the hydrolysis can be interrupted at different key points to produce corn syrups of varying sweetness. The longer the process is allowed to proceed, the sweeter the resulting syrup.So you can see that this saccharification process is high influencing the syrup quality of how is high fructose corn syrup made.

This syrup is then filtered or otherwise clarified to remove any objectionable flavor or color by Doing Company plate frame filter machine. It is further refined and evaporated bu ion exchange colume and specialize syrup evaporator to reduce the amount of water to get standard concentration glucose syrup. Now, after all these process of how is high fructose corn syrup made, we can get the 42% high fructose corn syrup.

high fructose corn syrup production machine
Tanks used for high fructose corn syrup made

To produce corn syrups with a fructose level above 50%, syrupsthe 42% fructose syrup is passed through a series of fractionation columns, which separate and hold the fructose content. The separated portion is about 80-90% fructose and is flushed from the columns with deionized water. A portion of this is retained and sold for use in "light" foods where only a small amount of liquid sweetener is needed. The remainder is blended with other 42% fructose syrup to produce a 55% fructose syrup, which is used in soft drinks, ice cream, and frozen desserts. So about how is high fructose corn syrup made, our machine and technology can help you to get 42%, 55%, 90% high fructose corn syrup, you can adjust as your requests and the market condition to get higher economic benefit.

high fructose corn syrup production plant
High fructose corn syrup production plant

Ordinary corn syrup contains dextrose sugar which is about three-quarters as sweet as the sucrose sugar in cane or beet sugar. In many sweetener applications this is an advantage because it does not overpower the other flavors in the food. However, in some applications, such as soft drinks, a sweeter taste is desired. To improve the sweetness of ordinary corn syrup, it undergoes a further process called enzyme conversion. In this process, the dextrose sugars in the syrup are converted into sweeter high fructose syrup by the action of an enzyme in a series of steps under carefully controlled temperatures, pressures, and acidity. This produces a high fructose corn syrup with a 42% fructose content. It is used in canned fruits and condiments. All in all, among is our brief answer for how is high fructose corn syrup made. If you want to start a high fructose corn syrup made business, Doing Company can manufacturer all high fructose corn syrup equipments for you, also offer the technical data for your high fructose corn syrup production process.

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