Glucose syrup manufacturing process

2018-05-18 / Processing
Glucose syrup can be derived from starch, corn and broken rice materials. Glucose syrup manufacturing process mainly include seven procedures: mixing process, liquefaction process, deproteinization process, saccharification process, decolorization and decarburization process, ion exchange process and evaporation process. The article will introduce glucose syrup manufacturing process that use starch as raw material.

1st step of glucose syrup manufacturing process is mixing process. Mixing starch with water to get certain required density starch slurry. It's better to use soften water, which can reduce Ca2+ impurities. In this process, temperature is normally between 20℃~30℃.

glucose syrup manufacturing process
Mixing process

2nd step of glucose syrup manufacturing process is liquefaction process. The process is divided into three sub-steps: 1st jet cooking→liquefaction →2nd jet cooking. 1st jet cooking process makes temperature increase into 110 ℃ or so, resulting in starch granules absorb water quickly and expend together to get transparent paste liquid, which is called gelatinization. Gelatinization provide better condition for the later liquefaction process. In liquefaction process, after adding enzyme, temperature is maintained at 95℃ for 90-120 minutes to make starch slurry liquefied completely. 2nd jet cooking process is mainly used to kill enzyme.

3rd step of glucose syrup manufacturing process is deproteinization process. Protein that exist in starch can affect final glucose quality. Therefore, before it goes to saccharification part, protein need to be removed by filter press machine. Separated protein can be utilized in animal feed field as addictives.

glucose syrup manufacturing process
Doing Company glucose syrup manufacturing process equipments

4th step of glucose syrup manufacturing process is saccharification process. It's the key process in the glucose making line, which directly determines DE value of final products. In fact, the saccharification process is to create an environment suitable for saccharification enzymes. The key point is pH and temperature adjustment. The liquefaction solution is first adjusted by adding acid to adjust the pH, and then cooled to a suitable temperature by using cooling water. Finally, the saccharification enzyme is added to complete the liquefaction process. The final hydrolysis of the sugars gives a crude saccharification solution. Mainly summarized as: liquefied liquid → add acid to adjust PH →cooling by water coolant → add saccharification enzyme → saccharified solution.

5th step of glucose syrup manufacturing process is decolorization and decarburization process. The purpose of decolorization is to remove organic impurities dissolved in water. Most organic impurities are colored organic impurities. We add powdered activated carbon that has strong adsorption ability to organic impurities. And activated carbon is insoluble in water, and then we can use filter press machine to finish decarburization process. The filter removes the activated carbon as well as removes organic impurities from the sugar solution.

glucose syrup manufacturing process
Doing Company glucose syrup manufacturing process machine

6th step of glucose syrup manufacturing process is ion exchange process. After the water-insoluble impurities and organic impurities in the sugar liquid are removed, there still contain many inorganic impurities dissolved in water. These impurities exist in the form of cations and anions in water. The purpose of ion exchange is to remove these water-soluble inorganic impurities. 

The last 7th step of glucose syrup manufacturing process is evaporation process. After previous steps, impurities in the liquid glucose are mostly removed. The last step will use evaporator to remove excess water and get final glucose syrup in certain density. Three-effect evaporator is commonly used.

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To sum up, glucose syrup manufacturing process consists of three mainly parts: saccharification, impurities-removing and concentration. Despite the quality of raw materials, equipment applied will directly affect the quality of final product. More technical parameters, please leave message for further discussion. DOING company can provide customer full set of technology guidance.

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